Sunday, June 25, 2006

NIN all the way!

9:15pm . molson amphitheatre . sect 405 . row A . seat 6

I used to think that 400 section seats were all crappy but apparently they're not! Especially if you're in the first row of section 405. It puts you right in front of the stage, elevates you above the crowd, and best of all, lotsa leg room, which is ideal for those of us who have uncontrollable urges to dance or jump to the music. Though of course the mosh pit option is always preferable esp for songs like march of the pigs!

Luckily i was able to smuggle my camera in cuz without it i wouldn't have been able to bootleg (errr...i mean 'sample') parts of the concert and go crazy taking pix. It was a close call though. The short lady seemed pretty skeptical when i told her it was low on battery and that i'd 'promise' not to take any pictures. HA!

What an amazing concert it was! A definite feast for the eyes and ears. It'd be a waste not to capture any of this on camera. The layering of lighting effects juxtaposed with the smoke and video footage was absolutely mesmerizing. I'm inspired. You have to see it to fully appreciate its effect. Too bad they didn't play every day is exactly the same. That song's the soundtrack of my life...haha i'm kidding. But I do love that song very much. Anyways, enough rambling. You're probably anxious to see the visuals so here they are...check 'em out!
