Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sgt Shanahan Boot Camp :: Week 4

Highlights from Saturday's Boot Camp workout with Sgt Shanahan and the Funk. This dynamic, fast-paced, high intensity workout combines cardio, kettlebells, various moves used by elite athletes and targets all 600 muscles for optimal fat burning. The suicide runs killed but hands down, this is the BEST workout you'll ever have! I always leave feeling energized and stronger.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What's for lunch?

1 egg white - high in protein
1/2 avocado - omega 9, monounsaturated fat to keep your body strong/pain free
1 handful of blueberries - rich in antioxidents, protects muscles from free radical damage
1 clementine - high in vitamin C & B6, maintains immune sys. balance

Kettlebell Workout

New DVD cover design, same great workout.
This is the secret to getting chiseled abs, sexy arms, & strong legs and yes, all in just 20 minutes.

"Kettlebells are the secret fitness tool used by Expert Personal Trainer Ryan Shanahan This DVD will take you through an exact workout Ryan trains his celebrity clients with. Kettlebells burn fat and tone muscles to look long and lean in only 20 minutes!"

Purchase your copy here:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What's for dinner?

Steak & Potatoes!! Yes, beef can be part of a healthy diet. When it comes to nutrition, beef provides more nutrients than you may think. one 3oz serving of lean beef has just one more gram of saturatedfat than a 3oz serving of skinless chicken breast, yet has 8x more vitamin B12, 6x more zinc, and 3x more iron.

Photographed above:
• tri tip beef steak seasoned with salt and pepper
• oven roasted potatoes with herbs & spices
• asparagus & onions seasoned with olive oil/balsamic vinegar, & fresh herbs

Monday, July 23, 2007


A mock Wal-Mart ad I created. We all know chips are bad for you but who would've thought Wal-Mart would raise the price of their reduced fat pringles. Perhaps a health conscious decision? hmm....let us ponder....

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp!

Wow, what an intense workout! Instead of feeling sore afterwards i feel a constant surge of energy and endorphin rush. I'll be spending the rest of my weekend playing beach volleyball! YAAAH!! Oh, and Ryan/Rouven, if you're reading this, I want to be challenged and pushed even harder next week. Whether its more push ups, duck walks, or kettlebells at the wall sit, i'm there!

Anyone else who hasn't tried this boot camp workout yet,
sign yourself up here:

Mango Power Shake

Mangoes have been long been a favourite fruit of mine.

Native to Southern Asia and sometimes referred to a the 'food of the Gods,' mangoes contain about 15% sugar, up to 1% of protein, and significant amounts of vitamins A, B, and C.

This cold, refreshing mango power shake is great on a hot summer day or after a good workout. It is high in protein, calcium, and vitamins.

2 mangoes - sliced
4 scoops organic 1% yogourt
1-2 scoops whey protein powder
1/4 cup skimmed milk
crushed ice

Using a blender, blend all of the above ingredients until smooth. Add more ice until desired thickness. Pour into a nice glass, and enjoy!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A New Milestone

I used to be fat. After 4 years of university and having spent endless, soul-sucking hours in front of a computer, combined with poor eating habits, I earned my Bachelor of Design Degree...and gained 20lbs in the process. Definitely not your ideal combination.

That before picture was me back in September 2004 at 175lbs, size 12-13 and probably 25% body fat - YIKES! I knew I had to make a change and so began the journey. I joined a gym, hired a personal trainer, who i trained with for about a year and lost 10lbs. Most of my workouts consisted of using weight machines in the gym and not much cardio. Then i met Ryan Shanahan, creator of the Energy Flow Workout and trainer to the stars. He gave me one of my first major design gigs, became my new trainer, and we've been working out ever since. With innovative, forward thinking workout moves involving exercise balls, kettlebells, resistance bands, and body weight (plyometrics), his workouts are fun, challenging and guaranteed to burn the fat and keep it off. I lost 30lbs, gained muscle tone, have reached elite athlete status and feel like i'm in the best shape of my life!

Today i weighed in, got my measurements taken and was amazed by the results.

weight: 140lbs (from 135lbs) - gained 5 lbs
arms: 10.8" (from 10.5") - gained muscle here *woohoo!*
legs: 20.5" (from 21.5) - yay, smaller thighs!

The most surprising change was that my body fat went from 14% to 11.5%!

Next goals:
1. ripped abs
2. smaller thighs - 18"
3. 10% body fat

All to be done by AUGUST 1st. How am i going to achieve this feat? I'm going to continue doing my usual cardio & resistance training routine, go to Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp and make some changes with my eating.

Watch for updates on healthy meal ideas and progress reports...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Stell's top activities

For the past few months, i've been working hard staying on top of my workouts and the pursuit of getting that ever elusive beach body i've been after for so long. Staying active and eating healthy has played an integral role in all this. I like to stay active for the most part, especially since its summer where the sun is out and all is good.

So what have i been doing, you ask?

1. I play beach volleyball once a week. Sometimes twice, if i do pick up. With the hot summer weather, that's incentive enough to tone those abs and get into beach body shape. Not only will you look good on court but you'll also move a whole lot faster, which brings me to #2...

2. Train with the best. I've been working with personal trainer Ryan Shanahan for almost 2 years now. It has helped me stay motivated and become a better athlete. Needless to say, I lost a lot of weight. His workouts utilize moves used by top celebrities and elite athletes. These fat burning workouts incorporate kettlebells, resistance bands, plyometrics, military drills, cardio, and stretching. A killer combination that will melt the fat right off, tone your muscles, and keep you feeling like a million bucks!

3. I joined Diesel Fitness 1 month ago, an urban fitness studio and yoga spa. Let's just say they gave me an offer i couldn't resist. A free, no strings attached summer membership! There, I've been doing spin classes and have really gotten into the cardio combat and boxing classes.

4. Rollerblading along the boardwalk at a fast leisurely pace. One of my personal favorites. This low impact activity is great for cardio and helps build hip, thigh, and hamstring muscles. Just throw some good music onto the ipod and your set. I like to go solo on this one.

5. I changed my mountain bike's knobbies to slicks, which has upped my speed to 30km+/hr. The speed bump is incredible, so I try to cycle to and from work whenever possible. Usually takes me under 30 mins to get there.

6. Walking in the sand. Aside from a beautiful view of the beach, it requires greater effort than walking on a hard surface. Your muscles and tendons will work harder as your foot moves around. Walking in sand requires 2.1 to 2.7 times more energy than walking on hard surfaces and likewise jogging in sand uses1.6 times more energy. The best part, you will burn up to 20-50% more calories.

There you have it, my top activities to staying fit.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fire becomes water

These images take scenarios in which you would expect to see fire and replaces it with water. Very cool.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Shopping & Dining in NYC

Pictures from our amazing shopping expedition fueled by lots of good food and indulgences can be viewed here:

Friday, July 06, 2007

First To Fifteen

The first cardio challenge may have ended but another one is on the horizon. Instead of being distance based, this time it's based on the number of calories burned. The goal is to be the first to burn 15lbs of fat.

Sounds like a challenge and the friendly competition definitely adds to the motivational factor, oh and so do those dreaded 'you've been passed' emails. This time i'm going for the gold. i want to be the first to finish! It won't be easy but as long as i stay focused on my workouts and push myself hard, all should go as planned.

sign up at:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp

It's 5am. My bags are packed for a New York trip that i'm supposed to be leaving for in a few minutes and my mind is racing. I just pulled an all niter sitting on my bed, putting the finishing touches on celebrity trainer, natural bodybuilder, and athlete extraordinare Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp website. Why the huge rush? Seeing that i'll be shopping 'til i drop in NYC this week and that internet access may be limited, I thought it'd be best to complete the job, especially since Boot Camp workouts are scheduled to begin this Saturday at 10am. Oh how I wish I could be there for the very first session...but in the spirit of it, i'll try and do some form of fat burning workout whether it's in the hotel gym or running through Times Square.

For those of you in the Toronto area, I highly recommend going. I got a preview of some of the moves during my training last week and all I can say is that this workout is not for the weak. It's a high intensity mix of body weight, resistance training moves, and cardio used by elite athletes. Whether its love handles or a protruding belly you're trying to get rid of, it will melt the fat - guaranteed. Your mind and body will thank you and you will feel a soreness that you'll learn to love.

For more info, check out