Friday, February 29, 2008

The Midnight Workout

Kettlebells are no doubt an incredible tool for fat loss. I swear by them and have seen great improvements in my strength, flexibility, agility, endurance, muscle definition and overall conditioning. I always try to fit in a workout no matter what time of day it is and today was no exception. This workout was done at 12:20am, after a really long day at the office. Short and intense, just the way i like it - and done in under 25 minutes.

To get maximum results in a minimum amount of time, try performing this workout without stopping. By going at such a high intensity, this will not only save time, but also accelerate the fat burning effects of your workout even after you're done! That means you can be burning extra calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.

Try this:


ankle, knee, hip, arm rotations x10 each side
push ups x10

using 1kb:
kb swings x30
windmill with press x20 each side
side passes x40
clean squat press x20
lunge & press x10 each side
1 arm row x20 each side
bottoms up press x20
seated ab twist x50
reverse crunch x20

using 2kbs:
see saw press x20
1 leg health lift x20 each leg
punches x20
kb swings x20

rest and enjoy the after burn.

Until next time, keep burning the fat!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

KettleBell Punches

Inspired by my new found love for Muay Thai boxing, here is a move that is guaranteed to give you more power in your punches and greater core strength. It will work every muscle in your body, giving you a strong upper back, sleek arms, toned abs, and long, lean legs.

Start with 20 reps and work your way up to 50+ reps.

Break through the plateau

Are you stuck in a workout plateau and not seeing results?

Bust out of it by switching up your workout routine. When under stress, your body works hard to try and make the motion easier. Once the current workout routine has been mastered, it needs to be challenged in order to grow. It doesn't like to do the same routine too many times. The body is just too smart for that.

To excel and get the most out of your workouts, it's important to keep your muscles guessing and to always challenge it in new ways. The idea is to confuse the muscles, which will keep the body from adapting to any set routine or exercise scheme, therefore guaranteeing greater strength gains. Try different moves, varying the intensity of your workouts and number of reps.

My personal favorite way is to try something you have never done before - whether it's a thai boxing class, spinning, boot camp, rock climbing, or a new sport, not only will you work new muscles, it'll keep things fresh and you'll have fun doing it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

KettleBell Workout E-manuals Released!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Sgt Ryan Shanahan and I were collaborating on a couple of KettleBell Workout programs. By combining the Sgt's vast knowledge and experience of training world class athletes and celebrities and my personal experience of losing 40lbs and sharing my training knowledge to help others achieve their fitness goals, we have specially designed a complete kettlebell workout and nutrition program for both men and women.


The Super Fast KettleBell Weight Loss Program for Women

and The Mega Ripped KettleBell Workout Program for Men


The KettleBell Workout for Women is going to get you the results you want Super Fast! Shed excess fat and tighten and tone your trouble spots while sculpting long, lean muscles.

Increase strength, boost your energy levels, and gain the body and confidence to walk the beach in a bikini. This fat burning kettlebell workout and nutrition program will reshape your body like never before!

• Lose that 'Ab Muffin Top' to reveal flat, sexy abs
• Melt the fat off your body in record time so you can fit into your sexy wardrobe faster
• Tones muscles FAST - especially on thighs, butt and stomach!
• Sculpt long, lean legs and sexy calf muscles
• Firm and tighten saggy arms
• Develop a strong back and shoulders
• Re-size your hips and thighs
• lift your chest and buns

For more info, check out

The KettleBell Work Out for Men Bodybuilding and Exercise System gets you results fast - the kind of results you can see right in your own mirror. Soon, layer after layer of power-packed muscles will begin to show up all over your chest. Big biceps begin to bulge. Your back starts to broaden out. Your shoulders begin to take on that powerful, "ready-for-anything" look. You'll lose that "beer belly" and trim that waistline.

It doesn’t matter if you are SKINNY or FAT - whether you are in your teens, twenties or forties.

In 50 days, The KettleBell Workout for Men will:

• Burn major fat
• Get strong ripped Six Pack Abs
• Chisel a powerful looking chest and guns
• Improve sports performance for hockey, football, rugby and MMA

For more info, check out

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I Love My KettleBell

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should too:

1. It's portable so you can workout anywhere, whether it's at home, at the office, in the park, or my personal favorite on the beach.

2. Gets you results in half the time of a traditional workout.

3. It's time efficient. Get a full body workout including Strength, Cardio, Core and Flexibility in minutes.

4. Firms and tightens your trouble spots - FAST. Thanks to the off centred weight of a kettlebell, this will force you to use more stabilizer and core muscles.

5. Burns more fat and calories. Many kettlebell moves involve compound movements which engage more muscle groups through a longer range of motion.

6. It's fun. With the endless possibilities of kettlebell movements, no two workouts are ever the same. You can even progress from standard Kettlebell movements to doing Kettlebell hand to hand passing or juggling for developing hand speed and eye-hand coordination.

7. Improves sports performance. Whether you play volleyball, hockey, soccer, or do mixed martial arts, adding kettlebell moves into your training will improve speed, agility, and give you explosive strength, and power.

8. Get lean, sculpted muscles. Kettlebells offer functional strength training that will keep your body strong, lean, and agile.

9. Ripped Abs. Kettlebell exercises such as side bends, wood choppers, swings, and and side passes will help you develop a rock-hard midsection while increasing shoulder and back flexibility.

10. Bring sexy back. Get in the best shape of your life and turn some heads at your next party, high school reunion, or at the gym. People will ask you what's your secret and of course you'll tell them you train with kettlebells!

If you're on Facebook, join the I Love My KettleBell group for more tips, videos, and products on