Monday, October 29, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Move of the week

This is the perfect move for toning the butt and developing muscle strength in the legs.

legs, quads, hamstrings, calves, hips, glutes (butt)


Standing with feet hip width apart, holding the kettlebell with a bell grip, lift the kettlebell straight above your head. Step forward with one leg. Keeping the weight in your front heel and back straight, lower your body until both knees are 90 degrees to the ground. Make sure your front knee does not go past your toes. Return to starting position and repeat for other leg.

The further you step, the more you work the glutes.
The closer you step, the more you work the quads.

Perform 40 reps, alternating legs.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Ultimate Kettlebell Workout DVD

Get set for a hardcore kettlebell workout that will get you lean and ripped in no time.

Coming November 2007.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lazy Sunday Pancakes

Mmm...pancakes!! Here is a low-fat, healthy, delicious pancake recipe for those lazy Sundays or when the craving strikes. Instead of using white flour, boost the fiber content by using whole-wheat flour. There are no processed flours or bleach in whole-wheat products, which makes for a much healthier product in the end. These pancakes are a good source of calcium, Iron, and fiber.

This recipe makes 9 six-inch pancakes. Enjoy!

2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tbsps baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbsps sugar
2 large eggs
2 3/4 cups skimmed milk
2 tbsp Becel margarine
fresh fruits

1. Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl.
2. Add eggs, buttermilk, and margarine. Mix until the batter has small to medium lumps. Do not overmix the batter, this is the key to fluffy pancakes.
3. Heat your pan with a small amount of vegetable oil over medium heat. Using a 4oz ladle, pour the pancake batter onto the pan. Flip pancakes when batter begins to bubble. Cook until golden brown.
4. Serve with maple syrup and fresh fruits.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Top 5 Brown Foods to be Thankful For

The colour brown has been associated with a lot of healthy foods. The first thing that comes to mind is fiber. This is the secret to slimming down and getting rid of that unwanted fat. Why? because fiber is digested and slowly released into the bloodstream. This keeps insulin levels low and will prevent blood sugar levels from spiking, which as a result will prevent you body from storing fat.

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks - to good family, friends, health and of course good food. To commemorate this event and as part of my continuing food colour series, I give you my top 5 brown foods. These are the perfect foods to include as part of a healthy lifestyle and if you haven't already done so, you'll be very thankful that that you did.

1. Whole Grain Bread & Cereals

Carbs are fuel. You crave carbs because your body needs them. The key is to replace your refined (white) grains with whole grains. A grain is considered whole when all three parts – bran, germ and endosperm – are present. Whole grains breads and cereals are low in calories, pack 4x the amout of fiber as refined grains, and are a good source of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, and iron. Increasing your intake will fight against obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease.

Studies have shown that people who consume more whole grains consistently weigh less than those who consumed fewer whole grain products.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the breakfast of champions. A perfect start to the day or fuel before an intense weight training session. They are a good source of B vitamins and packed with good balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. This complex carb maintains your energy over a longer period of time and curbs appetite by slowing the absorption of glucose into your bloodstream. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber which will soak up LDL (bad) cholesterol and unwanted fats in the bloodstream and promote weight loss. Buy the unsweetened oats and mix it with milk, fresh fruits, and whey protein powder for the ultimate pre workout meal.

3. Almonds

A high-fat food that's good for your health? That's right! Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, the same type of health-promoting fat found in olive oil, which has been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Almonds are an excellent source of protein and vitamin E. A quarter-cup contains 7.62 grams-more protein than is provided by the typical egg, which contains 5.54 grams. Almonds make a perfect snack or can be mixed with fresh fruit, yogourt and cereals.

4. Shitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms have been used medicinally by the Chinese for over 6,000 years and have long been a symbol of longevity in Asia. Aside from their rich, smoky flavor, these mushrooms have great health-promoting properties. Recent studies have traced shiitakes' legendary benefits to an active compound contained in these mushrooms called lentinan. Its healing benefit includes its ability to power up the immune system, strengthening its ability to fight infection and disease. Shiitake mushrooms also contain an active component called eritadenine which lowers cholesterol levels. These make a great addition to any vegetable stirfry.

5. Dark Chocolate

Yes, chocolate can be good for you! Many studies have found that chocolate contains flavonoids, a type of polyphenol antioxidant, which is known to lower blood pressure. Antioxidents protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, destructive molecules that cause heart disease and other ailments. Dark chocolate contains about eight times the polyphenol antioxidants found in strawberries. Not only is it good for your heart but it also stimulates endorphin production and has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Muai Thai Box on a Whim

I'm a huge advocate of trying new things. Afterall, variety is the spice of life. As I was walking down King Street during lunch, I saw a flyer hanging on the bus shelter for Krudar Muay Thai box classes. I've done martial arts/boxing workouts before but something attracted me to it so i took the contact info and checked out their site. This sounded like my kind of workout - high energy, focused on strength, toning, conditioning, and i get to learn to fight!

So I went after work and tried their beginner class. The gym consisted of one big room with padded floors and numerous padded columns for punching.

The class combined elements of cardio, strength training using body weight, and basic Muay Thai boxing moves - all of which made for an awesome workout.

The workout began with the jump rope and various circular movements to loosen the joints then got progressively more intense with high and fast reps of push ups, squats, sit ups, jumping jacks, and ab moves. Next we learned how to use hand wraps (i'd highly recommend bringing your own) and some basics such as the proper fighting stance, and how to throw punches. Then we ended the workout practicing punches on a partner, more push ups, and stretches.

Overall it was a good high intensity workout. My abs were burning, I felt pumped, and my calves are still a bit sore. I think i'll try the intermediate class next time.

Check 'em out. This month they're offering a FREE 1 week trial.

Krudar Muay Thai Gym
570 King St West, Unit 102

On King between Bathurst & Spadina

Monday, October 01, 2007

Move of the week

This move will flatten the abs and work every muscle in your body.

abs, obliques, butt, quads, biceps, triceps

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, hold the kettlebell with a bell grip. Bring the kettlebell down to the side of your leg while bending your knees and keeping the weight in your heels. Then twisting at the hips, extend your arms and bring the kettlebell up over your head, streamlining the body and feeling a full stretch in the abs. Perform this move in a smooth flowing motion.

Repeat 20x each side.