Thursday, October 02, 2008

A bump in the road

You never know what life will throw your way.
After a great weekend of kettlebell workouts, yoga, rollerblading, and hanging out on the beach, I had the misfortune of breaking my left clavicle (collarbone) on Labour Day, which pretty much marked the end of summer for me.

So how'd this all go down? September 1, 2008, 9:15pm. I was 15km into my ride, going about my usual 35km route, cycling downhill on the Lakeshore Boulevard bike path. I noticed that the city had just installed some new posts going across the bike path. 'Ok, no problem. I'll just go around it.' I steered onto the grassy area and as was getting back onto the main path, I misjudged the curb and came flying off my bike accompanied by a couple of small flips, so I was told. I took a major blow to my left shoulder and had broke my left clavicle. I also had huge road rash on my left shoulder and elbow. It was very bloody and gross. Not fun. It all just happened so fast.

Some of the cyclists passing by asked 'Are you ok?', 'do you need help?' Even a guy working at the yacht club offered to help. I was riding with friend and trainer Ryan Shanahan. He told me not to move, helped me up, and cleared my bike off the path. Can you move your arm? I don't think so. The pain was so great that as i tried moving it, all i could hear were a thousand little cracks. This was not a good sign. I knew something wasn't right, so i tried to immobilize it as much as possible. Other than that, i was ok and able to stand up and walk. Thank goodness I didn't break anything else or scrape up my legs! I was really lucky. As I was standing and talking, everything started to blur and I was overcome by this dizzy feeling, so I laid down on the grass for a few minutes until the feeling faded.

We walked back up to the top of the hill, Googled the taxi number on the iPhone and called a taxi to drive us and our bikes back. My bike was still intact - in fact i don't think it took any damage at all. With the accident replaying in my head in slow motion and me trying to keep my shoulder still, the cab ride back was smooth and got me home pretty quick. I got home, paid the driver, grabbed my health card, and got my mom to quickly drive me to the hospital.

At the emergency room, I immediately got my wound cleaned up (which stung like crazy!) and bandaged by one of the nurses - now that's what i call fast service! I told my story, filled out some forms, waited about 5 minutes, saw a doctor, answered some questions, got my tetanus shot, got xrayed, waited some more, was told that i fractured my collarbone, given a sling and painkiller prescription, paid, then I was out the door. All of which took a total of 2 hours. If you ever get to an accident like this, make sure you ask the extent of the fracture, and look at the xrays. Unfortunately I didn't get to and was misinformed of the severity of the fracture.

One of the most painful thoughts was not being able to workout. How am i supposed to sit still and not do anything?? Now that's pain! I was told that within 6-8 weeks I will be able to return to my normal activities. Until then, I would have to lay off the kettlebells and create alternative means of maintaining fitness and my sanity.

What's next? Time to rebuild.

Week 1

During the first week, I was off work, in a lot of pain, popping painkillers every few hours, icing the area, watching tv, and getting lots of rest. Aside from the one time i got dizzy and passed out in the hallway, the side effects of the painkillers were non existent. I was in a sling for the whole week and unable to move my arm without feeling pain. Even riding in the car was painful to the point of tears. I was pretty much using one arm for everything including typing and every task would take me 3x as long to complete, so I was never actually bored. Other than being slightly handicapped, I had a good week of relaxing, being waited on, and I even wrote a couple of design project proposals for some exciting new jobs.

Supplements: My supplements included Caltrate 2000mg calcium tablets and New Zealand whey protein powder mixed with oatmeal or in my fruit shakes. I highly recommend these as they are great for rebuilding and strengthening the muscles and bones. I felt it helped speed up my recovery. The real key here is to eat a healthy diet that will help optimize the body's ability to absorb calcium. Here's a useful page i found on nutrition's role in healing bones:

Week 2

I was feeling a lot better and had to return back to work. Instead of the excruciating pain, it was more of a piercing pain everytime i moved my arm. I began taking my sling off just to get some movement back in my left arm again. The 'Use it or lose it' paradigm holds so true here and the stiffness in my elbow was proof of what 1 week of inactivity can do. That was fixed by doing unweighted bicep curls for a couple of days :) Getting dressed proved to be the most challenging part of having a broken clavicle. You have to keep the injured arm as still as possible while putting your head and other arm through the shirt.

At this point i was able to move my arm out to the side 45 degrees. Forward/backward movement is very limited. It felt good to be out of the sling and getting some movement in my arm. I used it mostly when went out - prevents my shoulder from shifting too much and people from bumping into me.

Week 3

I'm off the painkillers, can extend my left arm out to the side for the full 90 degrees, 45 degrees forward and back and even behind my back. Good news is that I can now walk long distances without pain - which means I can begin doing some more cardio again! I went for a follow up appointment and was told the bone was beginning to heal on its own - hence my ability to move my arm again. I finally got to see my xray too and it was not pretty. The broken bone was completely displaced! My ortho doc said surgery is an option and that the bone can also heal on its own but would just take a long time. Well, i wasn't too keen on the surgery, actually terrified. Midway through our conversation, i practically passed out (not sure what happened there...emotion overload maybe?)...After that, the doc said we can wait til the next appointment to see if the bone heals then decide what to do.

Week 4

This week I begin physio, an essential step towards rehabilitation.

I went to see Ian Murray, an Athletic Therapist at the Toronto Film Studios. With over 10 years experience traveling and working with Cirque de Soleil, rehabilitating several professional athletes, and celebrities, he understood my needs as an athlete. He told me that muscle tightness, especially from a trauma like this is a form of protection in the body. They tend to tighten up in order to stabilize the joints. By employing body biomechanic and Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), this helps 'turn on' the muscles in the surrounding area to restore movement, correct muscle imbalances, and reduce pain and risk of injury in the long run. To rebuild strength and maintain my muscle mass, he also has me doing isometric exercises. I've only been doing physio for a week but i'm already starting to feel the difference! Ian rocks!!

If you fall off a bike the best thing is to get right back on it so that's what I did! I set up the CycleOps stationary trainer for my bike so from this point on, that'll be my form of cardio.

I will write more progress updates as I recover.

For now I'm hanging tough. No crying over broken bones... I'm be doing everything in my power to get back to where I was at before the accident and vow to rebuild and come back even stronger!

Be careful out there,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jump Training

In a recent design project, I have had the pleasure of working with beach volleyball player Marc 'Funk' Roberts.

He has developed a 6 week jump training program designed to make you strong, explosive, and powerful while increasing leg strength, your vertical jump, and preventing injuries to knees and ankles. Whether you play basketball, volleyball, or just want to jump higher, you'll want to give this workout a try. I've tried it, and it's one tough workout but I found it really transferred over well to my beach volleyball games.

We'll be launching it in 2009. In the meantime, check out the video!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Kettlebell Juggling for Fat Loss by Ryan Shanahan

Whenever i'm working out in my backyard, I like to practice flipping and tossing kettlebells. Not only is it a good challenge but it is also a great workout.

Here's an excellent video by Ryan Shanahan on how to get started on juggling kettlebells. Check it out.


"FAT LOSS? Come on! What's the deal?"

I'm sure there's more than one of you saying that to the title. If your stuck with what to do next for your kettlebell program , you may want to try kettlebell juggling as an alternative to one's regular workout.

Kettlebell juggling isn't real exercise, it's just messing around, right?

Nope. If you happen to be sick of swings, or just can't muster up the motivation for 500 rep snatch workout, try juggling. It's a great change of pace and it will get your heart rate up, burns calories, and helps you melt fat.

So here it is.A Kettlebell juggling for fat loss basic How To Video.


Ryan Shanahan

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The wrist Injury workout

I injured my wrist playing beach volleyball about a month ago and it still hurts. The doctor said I pulled a tendon and it's going to take a while to recover. When I heard that, the first thing that went through my mind was - "OMG!! does that mean I can't workout?!" Well, it certainly means i need to slow down and not put any further stress on the wrist. 

"Slow down?? but like going fast!" 

It was really hard for me to wrap my mind around it but over the last little while, I have found ways. No injury is going to hold me back! Though I did have to stop playing volleyball, the initial culprit. I'm still teaching boot camp but using moves that do not put strain the wrist. You'd be surprised how good a workout you can still get!

For my personal workouts, I've been doing moksha (hot) yoga - great for flexibility and loosening up the joints, rollerblading, cycling 20km 2x/wk - always good for burning the fat, and combined bodyweight and kettlebell flow exercises. No snatches or cleans - just very fluid movements.

Here's a sample 30-35 minute workout:
- perform each move for 30 seconds


Bodyweight Superset #1 x3 (9 mins total)
1. swimmer sit ups
2. leg raises
3. knee in/outs
4. plank
5. side plank dips - l
6. side plank dips - r

Kettlebell Superset #2 x3 (7.5 mins total)
1. 1 arm swings
2. figure 8 side lunges
3. meet the queens
4. 1 arm rows
5. side kick squats

Kettlebell Superset #3 x3 (7.5 mins total)
1. tricep back scratchers
2. half squat bicep curls
3. the 'can can'
4. 1 leg health lift
5. standing side reach overs


Remember - always burn the fat, and make it happen!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hot Yoga

This week I did a couple of hot yoga classes at Moksha Yoga's brand new studio on Bathurst Street and I have to say I'm already hooked. Unlike the high intensity cardio workouts i'm used to doing, this one was a real change of pace. The class was very relaxed but at the same time you're engaging your muscles in various postures that help stretch, tone, and strengthen your muscles. All of which takes place in a heated studio - which has its benefits and is also my favourite part about it. It may still be summer but come winter, this workout will be a good escape from the bitter cold.

By working out in the heat, this helps detoxify the body, increase flexibility (muscles are looser when in the heat), and helps with weight loss.

For optimum results, this is a great workout to incorporate with any resistance training program.

Check them out at:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bootcamp Success!

10:00am Saturday morning. Funk & I were pumped and ready to go. Plyometrics, killer ab moves, kettlebells, cardio, and pushing trainees beyond perceived physical limits made for one of the most intense bootcamp workouts ever! The trainees loved it and some were even sore from the workout!

Bootcamp was a success! I had a blast and am already learning tons as I go along. It was a great feeling taking on role of the trainer and motivating the trainees to achieve their fitness goals. It's hard to believe that it was only a couple of years ago that I was overweight and thinking how great it'd be to become a trainer someday. Well, it happened and I'm going to stick to it!

Planning for the next boot camp is in the works and it can only get better and tougher! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Boot Camp #3

As a long time boot camp trainee, I never thought I'd find myself teaching boot camp. This coming saturday is going to be my first time ever. Given this amazing opportunity, I'm extremely excited and pumped. For the next 3 weeks, I will be instructing alongside Funk Roberts. We've got an incredible workout planned - it's going to be fun, intense and full of fat burning surprises that you just don't want to miss out on!

Be sure to come check it out!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The perfectly balanced lunch

In any meal, you should always aim to have a good balance of lean proteins and carbs. Proteins are king when it comes to losing weight. They help your body recover from exercise and repair muscle tissue, are very low in calories and won't be converted into fat. Carbohydrates provide your body with energy. Good carbohydrate rich foods are fine and as long as you don't consume them in high amounts they will assist you in weight loss. With that being said, here is what i have prepared for lunch: Stirfried green beans with tofu and chicken.

2 blocks of firm tofu (diced)
1/2 chicken breast (sliced)
green beans
1/2 red pepper (sliced)
1 tsp diced garlic

olive oil
black pepper
white pepper
garlic powder
soy sauce
water or chicken broth

1. in a pan, grill the chicken with 1/2 tsp of olive oil.
2. lightly grill tofu cubes, season with salt, pepper, & garlic powder
3. heat pan, using 1 tsp olive oil, stir fry and season green beans & red peppers until desired taste & softness.

Bon Apeitit!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Birthday Workout

Yesterday was my 27th birthday and coincidentally was also Victoria Day. I had a incredible weekend doing all the things I love - everything from watching the fireworks, cooking a 6 course dinner, eating cake, partying with friends and family, shopping, and of course, fitting in a good workout! It was exactly 4 years ago that I made a promise to myself to lose the weight, get healthy and into the best shape of my life. Yes, i can say i took action, stuck with it, and have achieved all of the above but of course it doesn't end here. I'm always looking for new ways to continue challenging myself, improve, and grow as an athlete and yesterday's workout was no exception.

It happened pretty spontaneously. I was walking along the beach scouting a good location for a kettlebell workout until i saw these olympic rings and monkey bars which happened to be right next to a set of stairs --- just perrrfect!

This workout included a warm up, cardio, bodyweight conditioning with rings, and strength training with kettlebells.

I haven't really worked out with rings much so this proved to be a good challenge and addition to the workout. Great for muscular strength, control and stabilization. I incorporated some pull ups (that was tough, but definitely something i will work up to doing more reps of) and different variations on front flips (ie: slowing down the movement, hanging upside down w/ legs extended or bent for varied times to challenge balance)

Of course, by incorporating kettlebells this is excellent for building functional strength, toning the arms, butt, and core, shoulder mobility, and working the body as one unit. Strength & cardio training all in one - gotta love it!

In honour of it being my 27th birthday, I did 27 reps of the windmill using a 35lb kb for 1 set -- my personal best to this date :)

Feel like a challenge? Give it a try:


warm up
running stairs (10x up & down)

olympic ring front flips (5)
pull ups (3)

stair run (8x up & down)

olympic ring front flips (5)

using a 35lb kettlebell
3 rounds of the following circuit (left and right):
1 arm swings (10)
1 arm cleans (10)
1 arm military press (5)
windmills (27, 15, 10)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sgt Shanahan Boot Camp is BACK!!!

Yup, that's right! Boot Camp is back again for another season. Get set for some major fat burning workouts and tough love from the Sgt starting Saturday June 7, 2008. Once you're in, you're in ALL THE WAY!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tanita InnerScan™ Body Composition Monitor

"A very precise health monitor with stylish design."

I just bought myself a state-of-the-art body composition scale from Tanita. Being an athlete, I love rollerblading, cycling, kettlebell workouts, thai boxing, beach volleyball, and everything in between and wanted a scale that would monitor more than just my bodyweight. I have to say, this has proven to be the perfect tool for the job! I absolutely love it!

This futuristic looking digital scale is sleekly styled with a silver X and an 8mm glass platform. It features an easy to read 2.25" LCD display, a 4 person memory as well as a guest and weight only mode. The monitors use Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) to accurately monitor a very comprehensive set of health components including: weight, body fat %, body water, muscle mass, physique rating, daily caloric intake (DCI), metabolic age, bone mass, visceral fat rating.

Lately I've been working on getting those sought after sexy 6-pack abs so this will be great for monitoring the body fat and muscle mass. I've lost 2lbs since Sunday and wow! my metabolic age is 12!

I would recommend this scale to anyone who wants to improve or monitor his/her health and fitness level. It will keep you honest and it's definitely a great motivator when you start seeing the results of your efforts.

My stats as of 2pm today:

* Weight: 138lbs
* Body Fat: 18% -- i'm 10.8% with the calipers
* Body Water: 58%
* Muscle Mass: 108lb
* Physique Rating: 9 (out of 9!)
* Daily Caloric Intake (DCI):2880
* Metabolic Age: 12!!!
* Bone Mass: 5.8lbs
* Visceral Fat Rating: 1

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spring Beach Volleyball!!

"Looking to join a team or sub for the spring season. Preferably 4's but can also play 6's if needed. I've been playing beach for the past few years, am fast on the court, have a good serve and love to dive and dig for the ball."

The spring vball season started (and i missed the deadline) so I just had to get in on the action.

6:45pm - Today I got to sub in for a girl on an advanced 4's team.

It felt great to play beach again. The sun was shining and well, just by being on the beach it felt naturally felt warmer. We won 4 out of our 6 games. I definitely felt lighter and faster in the sand, and had explosive strength thanks to the off season and kettlebell training. The serves were great, i had a few good digs, sets, and even spikes. LOVE IT!! It's gonna be a great season....once i find myself a team!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Push kicks & sore calves

Yesterday I went to a Mixed Levels Muay Thai class at the newly opened Krudar gym. Located at 468 Spadina Avenue where what used to be a grungy billiards joint, the gym's walls were painted in bright red and yellow hues and was fully equiped with several punching bags and a huge matted area for classes.

The class consisted of a series of drills that included jump rope, various push up variations, leg raises, sit ups, jabs, punches, upper cuts, knees, and squat jumps.

My heart was pumping, i worked up a sweat and my calves are really sore today along with my abs and upper body. What a great workout it was!

One of the main techniques learned was the PUSH KICK.

This is an excellent move that will improve co-ordination and not to mention, is great for sculpting strong, lean calves.

To perform a push kick, assume a fighter stance, guard up, bring your knee up to your chest and push the leg outwards (pushing the opponent away from you). Always come onto the ball of your foot with the other leg and come back into your original stance position after the kick.

push kick tips:
keep arms out in front of u (protect your face)
keep your stance at all times (makes it so you're stable and harder to knock over)
breathe out as you kick (release the tension, staying loose)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Funk Roberts Boot Camp

I just finished designing the identity for Funk Roberts Boot Camp. This logo is a projection of Funk's fun, outgoing personality. The vector illustration of Funk flexing his guns communicates strength, confidence, health, and the great sense of accomplishment one feels afterwards.

The boot camp will be run through Not So Pro Sports and is great for quick fitness, fat loss, or a change in your regular workout routine. Workouts include cardio, speed & endurance, plyometrics, strength training with dumbbells and kettlebells, core exercises, military calisthenics and more!

Be sure to check out for updates.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mike Mahler's Level 1 Kettlebell Workshop

Last Saturday I flew down to NYC to attend Mike Mahler's Level 1 Kettlebell Workshop. I had a blast! Meeting Mike and seeing him demonstrate each exercise with great strength and ease was very inspiring and motivating. It's not everyday that you see a guy clean and press 2 70lb kettlebells!

I've been training with kettlebells since 2004 and have seen tremendous results. Everything from losing 40lbs, increased strength, muscle tone, endurance, flexibility, and going from 30% body fat to 10.8%.

For me, this workshop was an excellent opportunity to go back to basics, master the techniques and take things to the next level.

We began the workshop by introducing ourselves. Half the class consisted of beginners while the other half were comprised of personal trainers and people who have had been using kettlebells anywhere from 1-5 years. I was one of 5 girls in attendance.

The workshop was professional, well organized and catered to both the beginner and more advanced kettlebell users. Mike's extensive knowledge & teaching method was very clear, concise, and done with a good sense of humour. A wealth of knowledge and entertainment value, all in one!

Mike's emphasis on proper form ensured that by the end you can properly execute each lift safely and effectively. By breaking the moves down in a way that would build up to each lift, this was a great way of visualizing and understanding the mechanics that go into each move.

He took us through a series of joint mobility warmup moves and demonstrated/taught all the basic lifts including 1 arm swings, dead lifts, cleans, military presses, rows, snatches, windmills - which he had me demonstrate :), side presses, side bends, and variations on double cleans, military presses, and swings.

I learned a lot about the biomechanics, form, technique, and how to lift the heavier bells much more efficiently by making use of leverage points, generating body tension, and essentially working the body as one unit - functional strength that transfers well into the real world.

Once you have mastered the technique, going with heavier bells is only a natural progression. Everyone was encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and lift a heavier kettlebell. With that being said, I found that just by tweaking my alignment and technique I went from using a 26lb to being able to comfortably complete each move with a 36lb KB and clean a 50lb kettlebell. Needles to say, now i'm gonna have to get myself some heavier bells!

This in and of itself was an incredible experience. So good that my whole body was sore even days after the workshop (thanks mike!). If you're looking to learn from a leading expert in the field, Mike Mahler's your man. I recommend this workshop to anyone who is new to kettlebells or looking to learn the finer points and nuances of effective kettlebell lifting. You won't regret it!

Mike will be doing a Level 2 Kettlebell workshop in Vegas on September 13. Be sure to check it out as well as his books and dvds at

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Here's a new move

Getting tired of doing the same moves?
Try adding this one to your next routine.

This will work the quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips, and core.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hold the kettlebell at chest height. Go into a deep squat (or as low as you can comfortably go) while Keeping your weight in the heels. As you come up, lift one leg and kick it to the opposite side. Alternate between the two legs and always keep your abs pulled in as you perform the move.


Today's workout

warm up
10 pushups
side planks

windmills l, r x20
1 arm cleans l, r x20

windmill l, r x20
1 arm kb swings l, r x20

windmills l, r x20
1 arm rows l, r x20

swing pull x20
squat press x20
overhead lunge x20
figure 8 pass x30
snatches l, r x20

pullover crunch x20
seated ab twist x50
1 arm get ups l, r x10
wood choppers l,r x20


Friday, March 14, 2008

Push Up Renegade Row

Here is a great move for the arms, shoulders, chest, and core. Holding the kettlebell in one hand, place hands shoulder width apart. Keeping your body in a straight line, lower your chest to the floor and as you come up drive the kettlebell to chest height. Repeat. Switch sides.

Aim for 3 sets of 10.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Figure 8 Side Lunge

Here is a different take on the figure 8 move.

Standing in a wide stance, pass the kb between the legs in a figure 8 motion while lunging from side to side. Perform in a smooth flowing motion for 25 reps each direction.

This move works the butt, quads, inner thighs, and abs while sculpting long, lean leg muscles.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Stell's Sesame Tofu Noodle Salad

Sautéed vegetable medley and tofu noodles tossed
in a sweet and tangy sesame vinaigrette dressing.

Ever since I began working out and pursuing the healthy life, I've been experimenting with new ways of eating healthy without sacrificing the taste and enjoyment of my food, which at times can be a challenge. Despite my busy, fast paced life, I always try to make time to cook.

Lately i've been on a bit of a tofu noodle kick. These chewy noodles look like a pack of rubber bands, but are made from compressed tofu and packed with protein and nutrients.

This salad is light, tasty, refreshing, and delicious served cold as it is served warm. It's packed with nutrients and is a perfect balance of protein (tofu) & carbs (veggies) for those looking to lose weight. This will satisfy your noodle cravings and is a good low carb alternative to pasta.

Here's the recipe for my Sesame Tofu Noodle Salad -

• 2 packs of shredded tofu noodles
• 1 small red pepper
• 1 medium carrot
• 15 asparagus spears
• 4 king oyster mushrooms
• 2 cloves garlic finely chopped

• 1 green onion, chopped
• 1/8 cup white sesame seeds
• 1/8 cup black sesame seeds

• 1/3 of a lime, juiced
• 4 tsp sesame oil
• 1/4 cup mirin
• 1/8 cup rice vinegar
• 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
• 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
• 2 tsp sea salt
• 2 tsp sugar
• 1 tsp ground ginger
• 1 tsp onion powder
• 1 tsp garlic powder
* optional: blend all dressing ingredients together

1. Blanch tofu noodles in boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain. Put into a mixing bowl.
2. Cut all vegetables and mushrooms into thin strips. Using olive oil, lightly stir fry with diced garlic.
3. Add vegetable mix, sesame seeds, chopped onions, and all dressing/seasoning ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix until well blended.
4. Serve warm or chill and serve it cold.

Makes: 6-8 servings (enough for the week)

Tip: Pack the tofu noodle salad into small containers and take them to work with you. They're the perfect accompaniment to lunch or for those in-between meals.


Friday, February 29, 2008

The Midnight Workout

Kettlebells are no doubt an incredible tool for fat loss. I swear by them and have seen great improvements in my strength, flexibility, agility, endurance, muscle definition and overall conditioning. I always try to fit in a workout no matter what time of day it is and today was no exception. This workout was done at 12:20am, after a really long day at the office. Short and intense, just the way i like it - and done in under 25 minutes.

To get maximum results in a minimum amount of time, try performing this workout without stopping. By going at such a high intensity, this will not only save time, but also accelerate the fat burning effects of your workout even after you're done! That means you can be burning extra calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.

Try this:


ankle, knee, hip, arm rotations x10 each side
push ups x10

using 1kb:
kb swings x30
windmill with press x20 each side
side passes x40
clean squat press x20
lunge & press x10 each side
1 arm row x20 each side
bottoms up press x20
seated ab twist x50
reverse crunch x20

using 2kbs:
see saw press x20
1 leg health lift x20 each leg
punches x20
kb swings x20

rest and enjoy the after burn.

Until next time, keep burning the fat!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

KettleBell Punches

Inspired by my new found love for Muay Thai boxing, here is a move that is guaranteed to give you more power in your punches and greater core strength. It will work every muscle in your body, giving you a strong upper back, sleek arms, toned abs, and long, lean legs.

Start with 20 reps and work your way up to 50+ reps.

Break through the plateau

Are you stuck in a workout plateau and not seeing results?

Bust out of it by switching up your workout routine. When under stress, your body works hard to try and make the motion easier. Once the current workout routine has been mastered, it needs to be challenged in order to grow. It doesn't like to do the same routine too many times. The body is just too smart for that.

To excel and get the most out of your workouts, it's important to keep your muscles guessing and to always challenge it in new ways. The idea is to confuse the muscles, which will keep the body from adapting to any set routine or exercise scheme, therefore guaranteeing greater strength gains. Try different moves, varying the intensity of your workouts and number of reps.

My personal favorite way is to try something you have never done before - whether it's a thai boxing class, spinning, boot camp, rock climbing, or a new sport, not only will you work new muscles, it'll keep things fresh and you'll have fun doing it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

KettleBell Workout E-manuals Released!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Sgt Ryan Shanahan and I were collaborating on a couple of KettleBell Workout programs. By combining the Sgt's vast knowledge and experience of training world class athletes and celebrities and my personal experience of losing 40lbs and sharing my training knowledge to help others achieve their fitness goals, we have specially designed a complete kettlebell workout and nutrition program for both men and women.


The Super Fast KettleBell Weight Loss Program for Women

and The Mega Ripped KettleBell Workout Program for Men


The KettleBell Workout for Women is going to get you the results you want Super Fast! Shed excess fat and tighten and tone your trouble spots while sculpting long, lean muscles.

Increase strength, boost your energy levels, and gain the body and confidence to walk the beach in a bikini. This fat burning kettlebell workout and nutrition program will reshape your body like never before!

• Lose that 'Ab Muffin Top' to reveal flat, sexy abs
• Melt the fat off your body in record time so you can fit into your sexy wardrobe faster
• Tones muscles FAST - especially on thighs, butt and stomach!
• Sculpt long, lean legs and sexy calf muscles
• Firm and tighten saggy arms
• Develop a strong back and shoulders
• Re-size your hips and thighs
• lift your chest and buns

For more info, check out

The KettleBell Work Out for Men Bodybuilding and Exercise System gets you results fast - the kind of results you can see right in your own mirror. Soon, layer after layer of power-packed muscles will begin to show up all over your chest. Big biceps begin to bulge. Your back starts to broaden out. Your shoulders begin to take on that powerful, "ready-for-anything" look. You'll lose that "beer belly" and trim that waistline.

It doesn’t matter if you are SKINNY or FAT - whether you are in your teens, twenties or forties.

In 50 days, The KettleBell Workout for Men will:

• Burn major fat
• Get strong ripped Six Pack Abs
• Chisel a powerful looking chest and guns
• Improve sports performance for hockey, football, rugby and MMA

For more info, check out

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I Love My KettleBell

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should too:

1. It's portable so you can workout anywhere, whether it's at home, at the office, in the park, or my personal favorite on the beach.

2. Gets you results in half the time of a traditional workout.

3. It's time efficient. Get a full body workout including Strength, Cardio, Core and Flexibility in minutes.

4. Firms and tightens your trouble spots - FAST. Thanks to the off centred weight of a kettlebell, this will force you to use more stabilizer and core muscles.

5. Burns more fat and calories. Many kettlebell moves involve compound movements which engage more muscle groups through a longer range of motion.

6. It's fun. With the endless possibilities of kettlebell movements, no two workouts are ever the same. You can even progress from standard Kettlebell movements to doing Kettlebell hand to hand passing or juggling for developing hand speed and eye-hand coordination.

7. Improves sports performance. Whether you play volleyball, hockey, soccer, or do mixed martial arts, adding kettlebell moves into your training will improve speed, agility, and give you explosive strength, and power.

8. Get lean, sculpted muscles. Kettlebells offer functional strength training that will keep your body strong, lean, and agile.

9. Ripped Abs. Kettlebell exercises such as side bends, wood choppers, swings, and and side passes will help you develop a rock-hard midsection while increasing shoulder and back flexibility.

10. Bring sexy back. Get in the best shape of your life and turn some heads at your next party, high school reunion, or at the gym. People will ask you what's your secret and of course you'll tell them you train with kettlebells!

If you're on Facebook, join the I Love My KettleBell group for more tips, videos, and products on

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Goji Power!

Goji berries are the fruit of longevity and well-being. With a 1900 year history of use in traditional Chinese medicine, they have been prized for their anti-aging properties and immune system boosting capabilities. Goji berries are among the highest known source of antioxidents and a rich source of amino acids, carotenoids, iron, and vitamin C. This superfood will assist with weight loss, normalize your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and promote happiness due to their superior adaptogenic properties. Goji berries can be eaten raw or cooked and are a tasty addition to tea, soup and hot cereals.

Monday, January 07, 2008

16 Minutes of CrossFit-ness

"CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity."

This past weekend I took the opportunity to experience a class at CrossFit Toronto. I've seen numerous articles that rave about this place and have high recommendations coming from friends who've been there, telling me that i gotta try it. So i finally did and wow, what an amazing workout it was!

Once you step into the place, you'll immediately notice its a very anti-gym environment. No big mirrors, change rooms, or fancy workout equipment. The workout facility is basic and consists of an open concept space with a monkey bar apparatus, rings suspended from the ceiling, a dry erase board, and various free weights such as kettlebells, dumbbells, balls, boxes, and kegs. Oh, and a couple of monster truck tires! It's quite the mix.

The workout began with a 5 minute warm up followed by 8 rounds of Tabata intervals alternating between exercises at each pair of stations.

Station 1: Wall ball shots + Ball slams
Station 2: Box jumps + Burpees

In this workout you work at the first station for 20 seconds then have 10 seconds to move to the second station. You then work at the second station for 20 seconds then have 10 seconds to return to the first. Perform each circuit 8 times for a total of 16 minutes.

That's right...this workout was a very short, high intensity, fat blasting 16 MINUTES. Which comes to show that there's no excuse for not having time to workout. You can have a good workout with any amount of time you've got. I must say that I am feeling some soreness in my upper body, abs, and glutes but it's a good kind of pain. That was one of the most intense 16 minutes of my life. I felt pumped and would definitely go back for more.

If you're looking to try something different or need to bust out of a workout rut, go check them out here:

CrossFit Toronto
388 Carlaw Ave. Suite 301 Toronto, ON |

The drop in fee is $20 but if you're new to this,
your first 2 classes are FREE.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Stell's 7 Tips to Successful Weight Loss

The #1 New Year's Resolution on everyones list is to lose weight. Maybe you're looking to lose some fat, get a little leaner, flatten those abs, and start to show those muscles that have been hidden by "winter's insulation."

Studies have shown that on average, individuals gain 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's. The scary part is that the weight gained is not lost, meaning year after year, this weight (and likely more) continues to add up.

This year's going to be different. It's time to end this vicious cycle and make your resolution happen. Here are my 7 tips to successfully kick start your I'm gonna buckle down, make no excuses, and stick to it weight loss plan.

1. Set a vision. Keep it real and attainable. Instead of saying you want to lose weight, this statement should be a specific goal like 'i want to lose 10lbs' or "I will lower my body fat by 5%." Doing so will help you stay on track and will increase the chances of achieving it.

2. Start with small changes. Rome was not built in a day and neither is the ideal body but by making a few small changes you will start to see results. Take things step by step and gradually make the necessary changes to bring yourself closer to achieving your goal. For example, instead of cutting out carbs altogether, try reducing your portion sizes, eat 1 salad a day, eat plain yogourt with fresh fruits instead of the sweetened fruit bottom ones, cut out junk food, etc.

3. Workout regularly. Combined with healthy eating, exercise is an absolute essential to fat loss. Resistance train to build muscle tone & rev your body's metabolism and do cardio to burn the fat. If you're short on time, try incorporating the two into an efficient kettlebell workout which can be done at home or during those late nights at the office. Don't be afraid to work up a sweat. Sweat is fat escaping the body. If your goal is mainly fat loss, do 3 days of cardio and 2 days of weight training.

4. Burn more calories than you consume. No matter what plan you're following, it all comes down to this one simple equation. In other words, you can cut carbs, eat low GI foods, and ban all the fat all you want, but you still won't trim down if you're eating more than you're burning. Incorporate lean proteins (ie: white meat chicken/turkey, egg whites, and soy) and lots of fruits and vegetables into your diet and be sure to keep blood/sugar levels in check by eating 5-6 small meals a day.

5. Pack your lunch. Avoid the temptation of buying fast food or trips to the vending machine by planning and preparing all your meals ahead of time. Cook a little extra the night before or try preparing a week's worth of meals on the weekend. Keep some plain yogourt, berries, nuts, energy bars, and healthy snacks on hand to fill the hunger gaps and you are set!

6. Spice it up. Season your meat and vegetables using herbs and spices instead of butter or other fattening sauces. This will save calories and makes food fast and easy to prepare. If you marinate your meats overnight, the flavours will soak in and make the food taste even better.

7. Stay Positive. Negative thinking will only set you back. Throughout the process, it is important to maintain a positive mindset and believe you can do it. This is not going to happen overnight. The results you get are an accumulation of the effort exerted to drive yourself towards your goal.

There you have it, my 7 tips to successful weight loss. They worked for me and I guarantee that they will work for you too.

The Sgt on The Gregory Mantell Show

Watch my amazing personal trainer and friend Ryan 'Sgt' Shanahan discuss Kettlebells on The Gregory Mantell Show in LA.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!

Happy New Year! With 2008 among us, this represents a fresh start and a chance to get a jump start on your fitness goals. What are your new years resolutions? is it a 6-pack, strong legs, sexy arms, greater strength, improved flexibility? Whatever it is, you can achieve it. Watch for more healthy eating tips and workout moves in the coming weeks.

Make 2008 your BEST year ever!