Friday, May 02, 2008

Push kicks & sore calves

Yesterday I went to a Mixed Levels Muay Thai class at the newly opened Krudar gym. Located at 468 Spadina Avenue where what used to be a grungy billiards joint, the gym's walls were painted in bright red and yellow hues and was fully equiped with several punching bags and a huge matted area for classes.

The class consisted of a series of drills that included jump rope, various push up variations, leg raises, sit ups, jabs, punches, upper cuts, knees, and squat jumps.

My heart was pumping, i worked up a sweat and my calves are really sore today along with my abs and upper body. What a great workout it was!

One of the main techniques learned was the PUSH KICK.

This is an excellent move that will improve co-ordination and not to mention, is great for sculpting strong, lean calves.

To perform a push kick, assume a fighter stance, guard up, bring your knee up to your chest and push the leg outwards (pushing the opponent away from you). Always come onto the ball of your foot with the other leg and come back into your original stance position after the kick.

push kick tips:
keep arms out in front of u (protect your face)
keep your stance at all times (makes it so you're stable and harder to knock over)
breathe out as you kick (release the tension, staying loose)

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