Saturday, September 29, 2007

Boot Camp #13 :: 'The Best Of'

Another awesome boot camp workout from the guys. This time the trainers took all the best moves from each boot camp workout and put 'em all into one! Nothing that this group couldn't handle. If anything, everything felt much easier than when I first started - push ups, duck walks, & runs included. Feeling like i'm in the best shape of my life and it can only get better. And the good news is, boot camp's been extended another 4 weeks! SWEEET!

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Funk Connection

Marc 'Funk' Roberts is an ex-professional beach volleyball player and certified personal trainer who has been working out for about 27 years and judging by those pipes, he really knows his stuff.

We met at Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp. His plyometric jumps have given me explosive power on and off the court.

I will be contributing articles to the Funk Roberts Fitness Blog and Newsletter. This week my 'Top 5 White Foods to Eat' article was featured. Be sure to check out his fitness blog. Here, Funk shares valuable tips and knowledge on fitness, nutrition, and health.

above: Funk, myself, & Sgt Shanahan

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Boot Camp #12

I know I keep saying that each successive boot camp is the best workout EVER. Well, today's had to be the mother of them all. It was an extremely challenging all encompasing intense full body workout!

I was fore warned to get some sleep before this boot camp...but there i was working away on my computer 'til 3am the night before. I literally rolled outta bed this morning & rollerbladed out the door with kettlebell in hand and no breakfast.

The sun was beading down on us like a hot summer day. My fat cells were quivering in fear. All I ate the night before was some tofu and seaweed salad. At least i had some minerals, which probably all got burned off during the first 10 minutes. Going on whatever was left from last nites dinner and a pure adrenaline rush, it was painful, i was sweating, catching my breath at some points due to the sheer intensity of it all, but felt pumped throughout.

Between all the push ups, Rouven & the Giant's killer jumping lunges, cardio & ab moves, Funk's plyometric jumps, Sgt's fat burning kettlebell circuits, followed by a run in the park made for one of the most intense workouts of my life!

You'd have to be there to experience this in its full magnitude. It was amazing! I felt so energized that I headed down to the beach for some beach volleyball afterwards.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Move of the week

The classic push up gets reworked.
This move will work your upper body and challenge your balance.

chest, shoulders, triceps

Placing your hands on the handle of your kettlebell, keeping arms straight, elbows unlocked. Straighten your legs behind you, keeping your feet together so that your toes are touching the ground. Your body should form a straight line. Make sure your head is facing down. Without moving your head, slowly lower yourself to the kettlebell. Pause, then slowly push yourself back up and repeat for as many repetitions as possible

* For added challenge, perform this move slow, focusing on good form. The slower you move, the more effort you'll place on the muscles you're looking to strengthen and shape.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Tool for Mass Fat Cell Destruction

Burn fat.
Tone muscles.
Gain strength.
Improve flexibility, agility and endurance.

Kettlebells are the secret tool of choice to many celebrities and star athletes. Coveted for their effectiveness in working/conditioning multiple muscle groups simultaneously, these cast iron weights are the ultimate fitness tool.

As a new and upcoming project, Ryan 'Sgt' Shanahan and myself will be collaborating on a Kettlebell workout program. I'm so excited! This will be my debut as fitness model and kettlebell expert - 2 things that I never expected to happen, especially when I was 40lbs heavier.

Shot on location of the sunny beaches of Toronto, we just completed a photo and video shoot covering the best kettlebell moves that will melt those fat cells and get you in the best shape of your life. Being my first time on camera, this made for many, MANY bloopers, which hopefully will not make it onto the final product. haha! or used to haunt me sometime in the future!

This is one workout program you won't be passing up.

Stay tuned for more details.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Top 5 White Foods to Eat

Labour day may have passed but don't put away all the whites just yet!
....well, maybe the white carbs can go, but the lean proteins and white pants can stay.

Yes, we've been told black list a lot of white coloured foods but we shouldn't lose sight of what is good. Lean proteins are the best metabolism boosters around. Here are the top 5 white foods that i think everyone should eat ALL YEAR ROUND.

1. egg whites

Who doesn't love eggs? Often referred to as 'the perfect protein,' egg protein is a staple due to its health benefits and ability to be readily digested and absorbed by the body. Egg whites in particular are low in calories, have no carbs, no fats, no cholesterol and are loaded with protein. An egg white can contain up to 6 grams of protein.

2. skinless chicken/turkey breast

White meat goodness. Chicken and turkey breast are an excellent low-fat protein source. Lean protein not only helps build lean muscle mass and repair muscles, but it also helps control insulin levels and satisfy hunger pangs which tend to promote fat storage. You will find yourself naturally eating less food throughout the day if you eat some type of lean protein at every meal.

3. fish

The healthy omega-3 fatty acid contained in fish are great antioxidants, help with brain function and many other essential processes that take place in the body on a daily basis. Fish is a good source of lean protein which contains Essential Fatty acids that will help prevent certain diseases. It is recommended that you eat fish twice a week in order to reap its health benefits. This food will help burn fat and lean out the body.

4. cauliflower

Hey look it's a healthy white carb! Didn't see that one coming did you? Cauliflower boasts many health benefits. It contains allicin, which improves heart health and reduces the risk of strokes, and selenium, a chemical which strengthens the immune system. Also an excellent source of fiber, which helps to improve colon health and prevent cancer, and Folate, which aids cell growth and replication. Cauliflower can also help to maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

5. low fat milk/yogourt

Dairy products are great for weight loss when they are nonfat or skim. They have a combination of proteins and carbohydrates that makes them an excellent choice for burning fat and eating healthy since calories are low, and nutrition values high.

And there they are...everything else you eat should be brown, multigrain, or whole wheat.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labour Day Weekend Workout

On the beach, in the sand.
The Scorpy kettlebell workout.

Do 15-20 reps of each move.


kb swings (2 arms)
kb swings (alternating arms)
kb pass and dunk
kb disco abs

kb rows
kb 1 leg deadlift
kb squat/press twist
kb tricep kickback

kb wood choppers
kb overhead jumping lunge
kb close grip push up
kb seated ab twist
kb ab flattener


There you have it, a great strength cardio workout that will burn that muffin top & reshape your body!

Here's what my trainee had to say:
"What a great workout! My butt and abs feel tighter already!"
- May

What to eat before working out

To stay energized and fueled through your workouts, it is ideal to consume a healthy carb and protein source 30 minutes before heading out.

Here's one of my favorite pre workout snacks:


It's simple, light and loaded with all the essential nutrients.
Strawberries are high in vitamin C and antioxidents. The yogourt and whey are an excellent source of protein, which helps build and repair muscle tissue. Rolled oats provide the dietary fiber necessary to carry you through your workout.

Ingredients needed:
• organic strawberries
• organic 1% yogourt
• rolled oats
• unsweetened raisins
• 1 scoop of whey protein isolate powder

Eat this and you will have better workouts which will result in improved athletic performance. Guaranteed!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Boot Camp #9

The Sgt and Funk never fail to put on a good show and kick ass workout, and today was no exception. This week i was MVP of the day!

I think forgetting to bring my 20lb kettlebell made for a harder workout. Instead, I did swings and presses with 'Barney' the 50lb kettlebell, and rows and jumps with the 35lb kettlebell. I like a good challenge. Speaking of which, I'm absolutely loving Funk's plyometric jumps, especially the one where you jump and clap your hands while in a push up position. Now that's hardcore!

Since starting boot camp, I've seen improvements in my overall body strenth and running endurance. I remember when i couldn't even lift a 50lb kettlebell and wanting to pass out half way through those suicide runs. This time, not only did i make it through the runs, I also did it faster!

So, long story short. Boot Camp has made me a fitter & stronger person and I challenge any of you to try it!