Saturday, February 09, 2008

I Love My KettleBell

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should too:

1. It's portable so you can workout anywhere, whether it's at home, at the office, in the park, or my personal favorite on the beach.

2. Gets you results in half the time of a traditional workout.

3. It's time efficient. Get a full body workout including Strength, Cardio, Core and Flexibility in minutes.

4. Firms and tightens your trouble spots - FAST. Thanks to the off centred weight of a kettlebell, this will force you to use more stabilizer and core muscles.

5. Burns more fat and calories. Many kettlebell moves involve compound movements which engage more muscle groups through a longer range of motion.

6. It's fun. With the endless possibilities of kettlebell movements, no two workouts are ever the same. You can even progress from standard Kettlebell movements to doing Kettlebell hand to hand passing or juggling for developing hand speed and eye-hand coordination.

7. Improves sports performance. Whether you play volleyball, hockey, soccer, or do mixed martial arts, adding kettlebell moves into your training will improve speed, agility, and give you explosive strength, and power.

8. Get lean, sculpted muscles. Kettlebells offer functional strength training that will keep your body strong, lean, and agile.

9. Ripped Abs. Kettlebell exercises such as side bends, wood choppers, swings, and and side passes will help you develop a rock-hard midsection while increasing shoulder and back flexibility.

10. Bring sexy back. Get in the best shape of your life and turn some heads at your next party, high school reunion, or at the gym. People will ask you what's your secret and of course you'll tell them you train with kettlebells!

If you're on Facebook, join the I Love My KettleBell group for more tips, videos, and products on

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