Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Energy Flow on the Beach

At 36 degrees and feeling like 47 with the humidity, today's temperatures reached a new record high and coincidentally was also the day of the Energy Flow Workout video shoot. It's been said that heat increases blood flow and helps loosen muscles and joints thus making you more limber...so maybe the heat isn't so bad.

We were shooting on location at Ashbridges Bay. I was asked to come take some promo shots during the shoot. The day started off pretty early. I got up around 6:30am, which is unheard of for me. Then headed over to the beach around 7. The sand was oh so soft, beach was void of people, there were rows of volleyball nets as far as the eye can see and of course the weather was beautiful. Probably the BEST time to be at the beach. volleyball anyone?

Everyone including Lola arrived around 7:45am and so the shooting began. It got hotter by the hour but there was a nice gentle breeze coming from the water. Lotsa camera lovin' for both the Energy Flow team and Lola, who stole the show! You guys were great!

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