Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Cardio Challenge

Need some extra motivation to do cardio? Sign up for the Cardio Challenge. This community of avid cardio goers racing to Halifax are guaranteed to keep you motivated. Whether your goal is to pass the person in front of you or stay on the leaderboard, you're bound to do more cardio and shed some poundage in the process!

I certainly have! I started this challenge after meeting Brendan Fox back in September of last year and have been going strong with it ever since. With Cycling, rollerblading, running, walking, and the elliptical as my main forms of cardio, i've managed to stay on the leaderboard and am currently in 5th place. Once you start, it's surprising how much this thing can delve into your competitive nature. Especially when i get email notices telling me that i've been passed by someone. That just makes me want to do more cardio so i can pass and race ahead of the competition!

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